ATTENTION: This site is for evaluation of experimental NBM products. It is only updated during development periods. CURRENT STATUS: ACTIVE

We are currently in early-phase development of NBM v4.3. Products may change rapidly and without notice. We welcome your feedback.

NBM Ceiling Height

( 18Z NBM cycle )

map image of CONUS Ceiling Height 1-hour projection data

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Time Step Controls:go to first imagego back 1 time stepgo forward 1 time stepgo to last image| Animation Controls:animatestopincrease speeddecrease speed

18Z cycle, time step1of36

Time Delay=1000

Hour now= 22, Cycle Default= 18

Ceiling Height

Note to users:

This page is not updated by the operational job stream. While we try to keep things up-to-date, files may not be available for all dates and/or cycles, and the most recent cycle times may not always contain the most recent data.

To view weather elements not provided here, we suggest making your own images using NBM Grib2 Files and a grib2 viewer such as NASA's Panoply